Parent Education educates all litigating parties and all Family Court professionals on current USA Family Court Reform. Kayden's Law aims to exclude child psychological abuse, and hijack the Family Court professional training requirements.
Litigating Parent WARNING: Stay caught up on your own case & documenation before watching hours of relatable content or getting involved in reform.
trusted organizations
NPO OFFERS shared parenting ADVOCACY
Mission: To improve the lives of children & strengthen society by protecting every child's right to the love & care of both parents when divorced or separated.
Vision: The overarching goal of National Parents Organization (NPO) is to promote shared parenting by educating parents, divorce professionals, and legislators and by reforming family courts and laws in every state.
We envision a society where: Shared parenting when parents are separated or divorced is the norm; Children’s natural right to be nurtured & guided by both parents is fully honored; Society treats fathers & mothers as equally important to the well-being of their children; Children are happier & more successful because their loving bonds to their parents and extended family are protected after parental separation or divorce; and,
The courts arrange finances after separation or divorce so that both mothers & fathers can afford to house and care for their children & themselves.
The courts arrange finances after separation or divorce so that both mothers & fathers can afford to house and care for their children & themselves.
PASG OFFERS parental alienation RESEARCH
Parental Alienation Study Group (“PASG”), an international membership organization and U.S. non-profit, is the world’s premier entity concerned with the topic of parental alienation.
PASG promotes the following three interlocking goals: (1) supporting research into the causes, manifestations, identification, and interventions for this condition; (2) educating mental health and legal professionals, policy makers, and alienated parents and grandparents; and (3) counteracting widespread misinformation regarding this topic.
Mental health professionals, legal practitioners, policy makers, family advocates, alienated family members, and alienated children are welcome to join PASG if they have an interest in these goals and align with our mission.
PASG promotes the following three interlocking goals: (1) supporting research into the causes, manifestations, identification, and interventions for this condition; (2) educating mental health and legal professionals, policy makers, and alienated parents and grandparents; and (3) counteracting widespread misinformation regarding this topic.
Mental health professionals, legal practitioners, policy makers, family advocates, alienated family members, and alienated children are welcome to join PASG if they have an interest in these goals and align with our mission.
ISNAF OFFERS parental alienation SUPPORT
You've Come to the right place!We are the International Support Network of Alienated Families (ISNAF). As a group of “targeted” parents and families members, we meet to provide support and education for one another. There are many excellent websites about “Parental Alienation” (some listed on our Resources Page). Our monthly meetings make us unique, sharing our experiences, pain, resources, information, support and hope. We meet in person, through Skype and by phone. Our goal and hope is to be healthily reunited with our children. We long for the day our children have a strong enough “Self” inside them to listen to their voice, not the one inculcating them against us. We want our children to be able to love both parents, and family members without guilt. Our group consists of different experiences, ranging emotions and various kinds of contact with our children. Another parent or family member is “targeting” us to annihilate us from our children’s lives. We are targeted parents and family members of alienated children.
The anti-alienation project
The Anti-Alienation Project donates a great deal her time to educate child survivors on all things Parental Alienation. She is an adult child survivor, alienated from her Father by her Mother for 20 years. She has since reunited with her Father. She creates compelling educational videos recanting her own traumatic story, helping other adult child survivors tell their story's, and educates parents on how to identify parenatal alienation behaviors. Her journalism work has been a huge catalyst in Parental Alienation awareness, education, and reform. The Anti-Alienation Project has done series of videos concerning One Mom's Battle and her dangerous efforts. I have made the series easy for you to follow below.