The team behind kayden's law kayden's law exposed
What do they all have in common?
All parties below endorse Kayden's Law and work to pass it in all 50 states. Kayden's Law does NOT include child psychological abuse and therefore connot consider parental alienation by law in custody Court cases. Therefore Kayden's Law blesses child psychological abuse, parental alienation, and false allegations to continue.
Alienation is not abandonment. Alienation is not estrangement. Alienation is not protection, and protection is not alieantion. Keeping a child away from a TRULY abusive parent is not alienation, that is child safety. So if we can agree that keeping a child away from a truly abusive parent is child safety, we can also agree that keeping a child away from a fit loving parent is child psychological abuse? We know both of these scenerios play out each and every single day. We know that every case is different, and should be treated as such. Child safety laws should not be written for one child, but for all child(ren)!
So why would anyone fight to exclude child psychological abuse from bill / la / reform?
Family Court gender bias history and contributions. Custody of Infants Act 1839. English Common Law early 19th century. The Tender Years Doctrine law principal 1881, a legal principle that was once common in family law, the Tender Years Doctrine assumed that Mother's were better able to care for children during their "tender years". This doctrine was based on the belief that Mother's were naturally more nurturing and better equipped to provide emotional care for young children. The Tender Years Doctrine has been laregely replaced by a more gender-neutral approach that considers the child's best interest. However, many states have since abolished the doctrine by statute. When we know better, we can do better. CHILDREN NEED BOTH FIT LOVING PARENTS!
The Mother's Rights Movement agenda is to erase the Father figure labeling men as abusive, ensure Mother's obtain full physical custody, and pass Kayden's Law excluding child psychological abuse. The Father's Rights Movement agenda is to pass a 50/50 rebutable presumption law - that to my knowledge also does NOT address child psychological abuse. The Mother's Rights claim 100% domestic violence and child absue while the Fathers Rights is claiming 0% domestic violence and child abuse. Neither of these agendas are putting child safety first above parental agendas.
How has Family Court turned into gender wars when it should be child safety focused? It is true that more men go through wrongful parental alienation? Yes, but women and Mother's go through parental alienation psychological absue as well. Parental Alienation tactics can be used by a Mother or a Father, towards their ex partner.
According to the CDC, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience physical violence by their intimate partner at some point during their lifetimes. About 1 in 3 women and nearly 1 in 6 men experience some form of sexual violence during their lifetimes. Both Men and Women can abuse and be abused. The Domestic Violence Advocates and extreme Feminists are attempting to pass Kayden's Law to obtain custody and erase the Father figure completely. Kayden's Law is being passed under VAWA.
Danielle pollack
Kayden's law author, NSPO founder
Kayden's Law Author and writer. Founder of National Safe Parents Organization & policy manager at the National Family Violence Law Center at GW in Washington DC. and
Danielle's website and various tabs make it seem as though Danielle's advocacy work is heroic and in the best interest of ALL children, which is simply not true. She mentions NBC, The Washington Post, President Biden, and the Violence Against Women's Act to further confuse, gaslight, and deceive litigating parents on her credentials.
Kayden's Law does NOT ban reunification camps as Danielle and Tina claim. Kayden's does not include child psychological abuse on purpose. Kayden's Law denounces child psychological abuse, parental alienation, and false allegations. Kayden's Law blesses false allegations and parental alienation to continue.
Tina swithin
One Mom's Battle, NSPO cofounder
Co-founder of National Safe Parents Organization. Founder of One Mom's Battle Organization. Social Media Influencer & Family Court Advocate. Kayden's Law social media organizer, resides in California.,,, 'The Children Are Coming', 'Custody Peace'.
Tina Swithin One Mom's Battle defames Court Judges and therapists. She openly believes that she knows more and better than all USA Court trained Professionals. She teaches Court Mother's to fight against and expose any Family Court shortcomings vs working with the Court for the best interest of child(ren) safety. Tina Swithin sells professional Family Court training, Judge's training packets, online parent education courses, books, subscriptions, clothing, merch, and more. All education and products that Tina sells, include misleading information and false Family Court propaganda.
Tina Swithin endorses/advertises/promotes Kayden's Law. Tina meets with State organizations and politicians to assist with passing Kayden's Law. Tina teaches State politicians that Parental Alienation does not exist and is not real. Kayden's Law does not include child psychological abuse on purpose. Kayden's Law denounces child psychological abuse, parental alienation, and false allegations. Kayden's Law blesses false allegations and parental alienation to continue. Tina's own words about these concerns, "I have not seen the recent revisions or updates, and I trust Danielle as a policy expert".
other accomplices
Joan meier
Meier, J.D., is the Founder and Executive Director of the Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project (DV LEAP) and Professor of Clinical Law at George Washington University Law School.
The TRUE Parental Alienation pseudoscience was created by Joan Meier. This research is against Court professional education / training. Read Joan Meier's 2020 pseudoscience research paper here:
jean mercer
Jean Mercer is an American developmental psychologist and professor emerita of psychology at Stockton University. Founder of the advocacy group Advocates for Children in Therapy, she is known as an advocate for adopted children and those who come from the foster care system, and as an outspoken critic of attachment therapy. Mercer is the author of several books, including Challenging Parental Alienation. She authors two blogs, Childmyths and The Study of Nonsense.
anne hoyer & steny hoyer
Politicians. Anne Hoyer, daughter of Steny Hoyer, is an inspirational speaker. Anne is a frequent keynote speaker and panellist on the topics of lT and innovation, while also holding several advisory board seats in the tech space, mentoring young talent and representing her hometown Copenhagen as an official Goodwill Ambassador.
Steny Hamilton Hoyer is an American politician and retired attorney who has served as the U.S. representative for Maryland's 5th congressional district since 1981. He also served as a House Majority Leader from 2007 to 2011and again from 2019 t0 2023.